
amateur game developer, musician, and modder. this site is shit.
/// News

// New Website, New Super Mario 64 Maker Level and Moving Music to Newgrounds
> 08/12/2017

Heyo. A lot's happened. Let's take this from the start.

New Website
I re-did this place because a) I wasn't really liking how it looked and b) it wasn't mobile friendly at all. The old website was basically pure html and a bit of css. This NEW one on the other hand... is still basically html BUT using a boilerplate called Skeleton, a nice little collection of minimalist code and such, and very easy to build upon. Check it out if you're making your own website.

New Super Mario 64 Maker Level
I made a level for Kaze's Super Mario 64 Maker romhack. It's my very first level for it, and while it has some flaws, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Check it out here.

Moving Music to Newgrounds
I'm moving my music to Newgrounds! I'm not gonna stop uploading to Soundcloud per say, but it's nice to have a backup since Soundcloud has so much internal disarray right now. Check that out here.

That's about it for news. I'll try to update this section more often from now on, if not for people to stay updated (because let's be honest, who the fuck is reading this) than just for me to look back upon, like a time capsule of sorts.